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With a network of subcustodians and cash correspondents covering approximately 50 markets and its respective currencies, MHTBL is capable of providing settlement facilities for worldwide investments. With expertise in global markets as well as the market standards, MHTBL will support clients entering into each market for smooth settlement.

MHTBL’s cutting edge custody system enables straight-through-processing (STP) in order to minimize operational risks to the extent possible. MHTBL is also capable of receiving client’ instructions in various secure electronic formats, such as SWIFT or other agreed upon communication methods. Settlement results are also sent to clients on a timely manner and for any failed trades, reasons of fails, etc. are informed to clients and necessary follow-up is conducted with clients and subcustodians to ensure final settlement.

This system is ready working almost 24h processing SWIFT instructions received and providing customer with automatic SWIFT confirmations.

Settlement results are also sent to clients on a timely manner and for any failed trades, reasons of fails, etc. are informed to clients and necessary follow-up is conducted with clients, subcustodians and other related counterparties to ensure final settlement proactively.

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